Thursday, November 20, 2008

the girl is moving!

well. what can i say... the girl is on the move!!! This weekend she started to army crawl to get around on the ground! I was so excited to see it, yet it made me sad too.... My little girl is getting bigger! oh well, that's life right!

Well Dustin is getting excited that the end is in sight for the Porter Job. He has been working on this house since November last year!! Needless to say, he is very thankful that it is almost done.

I got two opportunities this week to have some time to myself! Saturday the 15th Dustin watched Kyla while i spent an hour at the library learning how to make all natural body products. That was a fun time! The second opportunity came on Wednesday when Dustin stayed home while the truck got fixed. I was able to spend 3 hours with two of my best friends! it was such a treat!

Friday, November 14, 2008

6 months!

its hard to believe that Kyla is 6 months old now! It is even more amazing when I look at my new nephew at how cute and tiny Mason is... and she was smaller than him! but time does move and its beginning to move fast... there are moments that you just don't want to ever end. I guess that is why it is so good to take pictures! Then the moments are captured forever! So here are just some fun pictures I have taken recently.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

friendly visit and halloween!

Carrie and the boys were up for awhile during some home repairs to their place. So we were able to catch up. It was a nice time. Kyla and Alex were having Fun on the floor!

Halloween! Kyla's first one! Dustin was able to find the cutest pumpkin costume at a costume swap for $2!!!! can't get much better than that! She was such a little cutie too!!