Thursday, January 26, 2012

my sunshine

You are my sunshine. my only sunshine.....

We all know the words. We all have probably sung it to our children. The song holds a special place in my heart since I do sing it every night to my kids before I kiss them goodnight. The soothing song lulls them into dream world and I leave them both in their beds with a smile on my lips and love in my heart.

SO, when I saw a gorgeous metal pendant on craftgawker that was adorn with a lovely sun surrounded by the words "you are my sunshine" I dreamed of a day I would own one for myself. My dilemma was that I had no clue who could make me such a precious jewel.


That was until this fall. I went to the annual craft show in New Richmond, WI and met Brittany Martell. What a gem!!! She is amazing and so are her amazing pieces. Don't believe me? Check her out for yourself here

My mom had gotten for my birthday two disks with each of the kids name on it. When my mom had accidentally misspelled Isaac's name I got in contact with Brittany. She was able to help me get that mix up fixed and I happened to mention to her the pendant I saw. She saw it and told me it would be simple for her to whip up. Ah heaven! So I just have to brag about her great work and also about how much I truly love it!

necklace 1

Monday, January 23, 2012

Homemade crackers

I found this yummy recipe in an old Mary Jane Farms Magazine and had to try it. I have never made crackers before so this was a major adventure! Kyla and Isaac loved to help pour in the ingredients. Kyla was also my cracker cutter. :) I think they turned out pretty tasty!

Kyla showing off her cutting skills


ready for the oven




Here's the recipe: Makes about 3-5 dozen depending on size

1 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup oil( i used Olive oil, the recipe said they used grapeseed)
1/2 cup water
1 medium egg
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup sesame seeds(toasted) I did not have any, nor did I want them. Tasted fine without!

Preheat oven 350 degrees.
lightly grease cookie sheet

Combine first 4 ingredients in a medium bowl. slowly add oil, mix til looks like coarse crumbs. Slowly add water until dough forms ( I didn't use a full 1/2 cup)
Turn dough on a lightly floured surface and roll out very thin.
Mix egg sugar and vinegar.
Now I cut out my crackers and brushed the egg mixture on top of each.
Bake for 15-20 minutes depending on thickness. Transfer to a cooling rack.

Store crackers in an air tight container. IF they pick up moisture you can put them in a 250 degree oven for a few minutes!

Friday, January 20, 2012

green thumb.....we will see...

I can't lie. I am no green thumb. But I do love to get my hands dirty every spring and plant my pots and my veggie garden. Two years ago I even convinced Dustin to take out the dying evergreen bushes so I could plant a lovely perennial garden. So every year, my garden gets lusher and my thumbs get greener.

Its January people. IN WISCONSIN!!! Right now it is sub zero, dead and barren. I have been craving something green. SO I finally bit the bullet and bought a little 4 inch potted plant. It didn't come with the little stick thing that tells you what it is, so I have no friggin clue what it is. All I know is it is green and it is alive. I just hope I can keep it that way!

Date Night In

I don't know about you, but with two little ones, date night out is a thing of rarity. Kyla is just shy of four and we just found a lovely teenager who lives four blocks away! We are lucky enough to have Dustin's younger sisters who can watch the kids, but the two hours of driving to pick up and drop off makes that not the most appealing option.

So, date night out is a huge treat for us! Date night in, now that is a whole different thing. Dustin and I have been making huge efforts to have a date night at home at least once a week. So it made me think, " I bet there are more people out there that would really get encouraged if I put together a list of ideas for a date night in! So here goes!

First off. We put the kiddos to bed by eight! That is our rule for date night.

Watch a movie or TV show that you enjoy
Play a game (our favorites: Cribbage, Rummy, Checkers, Chess, Scrabble, Swap, Phase Ten, Skipo)
Play a Video Game( My hubby and I don't have video games, but I BET that if my Hubby were a gamer he would love it if I played a game with him!)

Buy a simple appetizer( we like fries) and share them
Read a book together
Candle light picnic on the floor.
( MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!) wake up early and have breakfast together and watch the sun rise. ( we do this in the summer almost 2-3 days a week!)
take your laptop into the car and have a drive in movie in your driveway!
Lay a blanket outside and star gaze
Dress up and have a late night dinner
Wine tasting night, Find a 3 or 4 wines you have never tried
Make or buy a sexy dessert and enjoy it together.( maybe even feed it to each other)
Do a Crossword together
Listen to podcast and discuss after
Send the kids to the grandparents! Then you have the whole house to yourself
Get on the roof with a blanket, radio and snack and enjoy the night sky
Get out the photo albums and reminisce about the great memories

Ok, so that is about all my brain can come up with for now. I may have to make a part 2 if I think of more! But you now have quite a few ideas for a cheap fun date night in!

All photos were found in Microsoft clipart

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

same style different dress

I have been sewing again.... I don't know if I mentioned it on Facebook or my blog that I have been wanting to make another strapless creation once I made my first one. It was such an easy pattern and the dress fits me so well I bought enough fabric to make two more dresses. I think my second dress came out very nicely!




I have got to take some time and cut out the next one. This dress is a New Look pattern and I am not kidding, it took me maybe an hour and a half after the cloth was cut!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


For Dustin's birthday he wanted something different. SO with a deep sigh we went through our cookbooks and all the different ideas that we have either tried once or never tried before. Gratefully it didn't take us too long to come up with his yum dish.

Its a southern sandwich that is filled with a lot of cheese and meat.

On our muffaletta: Mozzarella, smoked ham, hard salami, provolone, prosciutto, black and green olives, olive oil and the secret indgredient!!!!! Olive salad. ( you can buy it premade, but there are some websites that have the recipe for it) All this was placed in between the most delish bread, foccocia. I made this three hours before eating, since you want the juices to saturate throughout the whole sandwich!

The day after is even better!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Playtime with Daddy

Finally a post that has nothing to do with me or crafting or fashion!! I bet thats what you said! And if you are bummed, then I promise to post something soon.

There is not much in the world that tickles my heart as much as watching my kids love on their big strong daddy. They tackle and tickle. They giggle and scream with glee. Spending time with daddy has got to my kids top favorite thing to do. I don't mind either. I spend every day with them! So when Dustin gets home they stand at the window stomping their feet and screaming "DADDY'S home! " at him. Isaac cries if he has to go back outside to get something from his truck. Dustin is really loved! I encourage it too. I want my kids to make daddy coming home a big deal. I imagine that it won't be that way forever.



Dustin's attention and love is so important to those kiddos. Thinking back to my growing up days, I really see how the love and care my dad showed me, is why I can look at God as my loving daddy so easily.


SO, play away kids, play away!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

felt and cloth transformed

When my creativity is flowing I get all kinds of ideas. This is my latest. My poor bible! Its a hard cover that is just in tatters. When I look at it I usually stick out my bottom lip and think that It looks so dilapidated. Sadly, its from me being a picker! I pick at the clear plastic top and then and edge appears and I just don't stop picking.( i have the same problem when it comes to my cuticles..hence I chew them to pieces! )


So I had an idea to cover all my rapidly breaking down cover. Here is where felt and cloth combine to create... MY BIBLE COVER!!! yeah me! Just measured it up to see how much I would need then got out the handy dandy sewing machine and wa la!!!!



Monday, January 2, 2012

TKO -todays kickin outfit

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I was pretty excited when I put this outfit together. I had been wearing my new dress that I just made when Kyla went into my closet and started pulling stuff out asking me to put it on. The skirt was the one item I stopped on. I have had this skirt for over 3 years! I got it at a thrift store after I had kyla cuz it was heading into summer and I just wanted to feel pretty post pregnancy. Well, this skirt needs to be taken in now, its just too big, but I was able to whip up a whole new outfit that I have never worn. Again found a treasure in my closet!Thank you God!

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wearing: cardigan, belt, tight:Target, blue beaded braclet(actually a necklace): Amazima Ministry, Necklace: Serindipity Thrift Store, shoes: Thrifted, Skirt and tank: mine


I was drinking out of this cup and had to smile at what it said. I hope that I can live up to this lofty verse!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

seeing red....


I really enjoy changing my look daily. And there is one way I really enjoy changing my look with MAKEUP!. This sassy rouge is what I am wearing today!


I am wearing Cover Girl Euphoria
Just remember this rule! If you want to wear something this bold everything else should stay neutral. Or you may look like a circus performer!